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When I started this year as your new Superintendent, I shared that I would be spending my first months, Listening, Learning, Communicating, Planning and Collaborating with stakeholders throughout the community.  I have done just that.  I have spoken individually to over 100 stakeholders; visited every campus and classroom; attended professional development, leadership meetings, and family events; met with students, family members, and members of our community.  While each person had his or her personal experience and opinions, a consistent pattern emerged from what I heard and learned. 

Across the various stakeholder groups there was a strong belief that:

1)      Union Elementary School District is on the right track
2)     The district provides many supports and collaborates to help others succeed
3)     Positive Behavior Intervention and Support is helping improve student behaviors
4)     Leadership is strong and supportive
5)     Curriculum maps are a good tool and refinements keep making them stronger
6)     We value the small community with welcome feel

 What I hear we need to continue to improve upon was:

1)      We need increased academic expectations for all of our students
2)     Retain high quality staff
3)    We need new/refreshed materials for Science, SS, Writing, Math, Literacy
4)     Professional development is great; AND we still need time to prepare and plan
5)     Provide more support for handling behaviorally challenging students
6)     Retain our students
7)    Improve Communication

 What I did not hear was:

•      Concern about overall direction

•      Understanding of our shared mission, vision, goals, strategic plan

•      Celebrations about students making growth or high achievement

 So what’s happening to move us forward?   


•      Schools aligned their School Integrated Action Plans (IAP) to District-wide goals.

•      Monitoring student progress and IAP implementation at quarterly benchmarks

•      Continuing PBIS implementation with focus on Tier 2 and 3 interventions.

•      Examining Special Education service model and designing plan to increase student achievement


•      In January, begin 2020-2025 strategic planning process with stakeholders to bring District into alignment with shared vision, mission, goals with focus on students and student needs

•      Use strategic planning process to put students into the center of conversations and design the system to get the outcomes our students need and community desires

•      Build out robust communication strategy

•      Seek additional competitive grant funds to supplement programs and supports

 In Closing…

Thank you for the important part you play in the Union community, for your dedication, and for helping us create the conditions to help our students learn each day, so that ultimately our students will succeed both academically and behaviorally. Achievement today for an exceptional tomorrow!  

I look forward to engaging with you further in the creation of our 2025 vision for students and encourage your participation. Should you have any input or questions about what I have shared, please feel free to reach out to me. Have a wonderful Holiday Season, Merry Christmas, and a Joyous New Year.

Warm Regards,

Ms. Morris



Posted by Administrator  On Mar 08, 2019 at 11:30 AM

Union Elementary School District is a great place to learn and work. Why?

Because we are here to “Inspire hope and empower all children to courageously pursue their goals.”

This new vision will guide the work of our Five-year Strategic Planning team. Over the next 6 weeks, we will bring together stakeholders who will help shape the five-year plan that will guide us 2020-2025.  The Strategic Planning Team will use the following identified District priorities to create the 2020-2025 strategic plan.

1) A caring adult in every role.

2) Providing the social and emotional support that students need to learn and thrive.

3) Delivering relevant and rigorous curriculum and instruction.

4) Ensuring equitable access and opportunity for all children to achieve.

If you are interested in helping us with this important work, please reach out to Cara Hill, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent and Governing Board, [email protected].  Please let us know why you want to be a part of the team and how you will contribute positively to the work.


Kindergarten Round-Up Continues...

If your child turns five years old by September 1, 2019 please plan to attend the March 19th, Kindergarten Roundup. Both Dos Rios and Union Elementary will be conducting campus tours, providing kindergarten readiness and screening information, and registering Kindergarten students for the upcoming 2019-2020 school year.  Administration, teachers, student services, transportation, and food service will be on site to answer your questions. For more information about what to bring to register your child, please visit the Admissions section of our website.  See you at Kindergarten Round-up, March 19th, 5-7pm.

If you need further information about Kindergarten registration, please feel free to contact Dos Rios at:  623-474-4000 or Union Elementary at: 623-475-5000.


Enrolling Now for 2019-2010...

We are currently enrolling for the 2019-2020 school year.  Please visit your campus, the Admissions section of our website, and/or apply for open enrollment today.

Have a safe and happy Spring Break. School Resumes on March 18, 2019. Thank you again for being a part of the Union community. 

Ms. Kristine Morris

Posted by Administrator  On Mar 08, 2019 at 11:26 AM

Dear Parents, Guardians, and Community Members,

We are pleased to announce that Mrs. Kristine Morris will begin her tenure as our next Superintendent on July 1, 2018. Mrs. Morris brings a wealth of experience to the role having worked at both the district and county levels. Her passion and depth of knowledge will be a great addition and assist the district in continuing its focus on improving outcomes for our students.

Have a question for her? She can be reached at

[email protected]

Posted by Administrator  On Mar 08, 2019 at 11:05 AM
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