Art and PE curriculum adoption materials are available for public viewing in the front office at Hurley Ranch Elementary School from 12/16/2024 to 3/21/2025. Please check at the school for access to the materials.
Art and PE Adoption Agenda 11.19.24.docx
Art and PE Adoption Agenda 12.10.2024.docx
Art and PE Adoption Agenda 12.17.2024.docx
Art and PE Adoption Agenda 12.19.2024.docx
Art and PE Adoption Agenda 1.14.2025.docx
Art and PE Adoption Agenda 1.16.2025.docx
Art and PE Adoption Agenda 1.28.2025.docx
Art and PE Adoption Minutes 11.19.24.docx
Art and PE Adoption Minutes 12.10.24.docx
Art and PE Adoption Minutes 12.17.24.docx
Art and PE Adoption Minutes 12.19.24.docx
Art and PE Adoption Minutes 1.14.25.docx
Art and PE Adoption Minutes 1.16.25.docx
Art and PE Adoption Minutes 1.28.25.docx
Please contact (623) 478-5020 with any questions or concerns.